Virtual Symposium of Pagan thought and Practice
Recent events have ushered us into a time when it is increasingly unsafe to be different. Whether the difference is rooted in religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, or race, individuals and communities face growing threats to their safety, identity, and very existence.
The Virtual Symposium of Pagan Thought and Practice welcomes work from diverse perspectives, disciplines, and mediums, including academic papers, essays, creative works, case studies, and community-driven narratives. Submissions may address theoretical, practical, historical, or future-oriented approaches to the themes of resilience, solidarity, safety, and co-creation in the face of adversity.
Submissions are invited to explore the following critical questions:
How do we continue to create positive connections and nurturing Contemporary Pagan culture in a time that seeks to erase difference?
How do we endure, support one another, and keep ourselves and our communities safe?
When everything seems to be falling apart, how do we co-create and sustain what comes next?
What do we need to survive and thrive in these times?
What does it mean for something to be "enough" in the face of systemic challenges?
Submission Details:
Deadline: March 1, 2025
Virtual Conference Date: March 29, 2025, 10:00 to 3:00 PST
Format: Proposals of not more than 200 words, accompanied by a bio of 100 words or less and a picture for the website
Where to Submit: compasspagansandseekers@gmail.com
Contact Information: compasspagansandseekers@gmail.com
Together, let us imagine and articulate ways to sustain difference, foster safety, and build resilient cultures in times of uncertainty and transformation. We look forward to your contributions. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in presenting and entering into dialogue upon this topic!

Pagan Community Retreat (PCR)
Pagan Community Retreat (PCR) is a pagan camping event that brings the pagan community together, in nature, for an enlightening, spiritual, and educational camping experience enjoyed by pagans and their families.

Southern California Divination Conference
Mark your calendars - The Commons of Modern Pagans and Spiritual Seekers (COMPASS) is thrilled to unveil the 3rd Annual Southern California Divination Conference, returning to enchant Southern California with mystical insights, spiritual connections and healing arts!

Virtual Symposium of Pagan Thought & Practice
As the world rapidly changes, the whispers of the old ways and tales of ethereal beings persist, challenging the boundaries of our empirical understanding. This conference aims to bridge the divide between myth and perceived reality, shining a light on the phenomena of fairy encounters in the modern world.
This year’s conferences will focus on the interactions between the human world and the realm of fairy, including a space for sharing stories of encounters with the hidden crowd.

Pagan Teachers Commons
Next meeting will be February 25, 2024 at 4:00. Augusta will be presenting a lesson for us. You can join the Pagan Teachers Commons on Facebook

Ventura County Pagan Gathering
Join us at the Ventura Avenue Library Community Room, 606 N Ventura Ave, Ventura, CA 93001. We will be having a open discussion about the impact of loneliness, including how it has effected our practice and community through the pandemic, and the ways we might strengthen and provide community in Ventura County.

Pagan, Witches, Wiccans, and other Magical Folk Picnic
Pagans, Witches, Wiccan, and other Magical Folk- wishing for community? Come picnic with us in the beauty of Nature!

Southern California Divination Conference
Southern California Divination Conference
Join us on August 19, 2023 for Southern California’s
Newest Divination Conference!
Presented by COMPASS, the Southern California Divination Conference will include presentations, discussions, and panels on many forms of divination from reading oracle and tarot cards, keys, geomancy, astrology, runes, and so much more. A curated selection of vendors await our attendees.

Spirit Walk 2022 OJAI
The Ojai Spirit Walk on December 16, 2022, will meet at the post office on Ojai Ave and Signal, and walk in silence east to Montgomery and back.

Spirit Walk 2022- VENTURA
The Ventura Spirit Walk on December 3, 2022, will gather in the alley behind the parking structure on Santa Clara and Main at 5:00, and walk in silence to the mission and back.

Pagan Teachers Commons
The Commons of Modern Pagans and Spiritual Seekers (COMPASS) is looking to create a space where Pagan teachers can meet regularly, share expertise and resources, and work collaboratively to improve teaching and understanding for all their students.
The first meeting of the Pagan Teacher Commons will be August 7, 2022, at 4:00 PST. We will be meeting via Zoom. Individuals that have completed the Pagan Teachers Survey will have the Zoom link emailed to them. You can find the Pagan Teachers Survey at https://forms.gle/hacECDxQXXV9iLnr9. The responses gathered from this survey will help us to better meet the needs of this project and assist us in identifying teachers who would be interested in participating. Please feel free to distribute the link to this survey to any Pagan teachers.
During this first meeting we will be reviewing the results of the Pagan Teachers Survey and developing a schedule and topics or discussion.
For more information email Jeffrey at jeffreykalbaugh@gmail.com.

Dying and Death: Pagans Engaging End of Life Issues
The Virtual Symposium of Pagan Thought and Practice presents:
Dying and Death: Pagans Engaging End of Life Issues
July 23, 2022, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM PT
Death is an experience we hold in common. Whether it be the passing of a loved one or our own departure from life, the inevitability of death brings with it equally inevitable challenges. For Pagans of all paths and traditions these challenges may present differently, with no easy or compatible solutions offered by the currently dominant over culture. How do we, as magical folk, prepare for death? Where are the priests and priestesses to tend our passing? How shall our families, or friends, the people of the community celebrate our lives or dance upon our graves? How is the body disposed of? How are we remembered? How do we sit with Death?
This year we are proud to feature presentation on dying and death from end-of-life preparations, through grief and interment, and the processes through which those left behind remember the lives of their beloved dead. Presenters include Selena Fox, Gordon Cooper, Ben Luoma, Frances Billinghurst, Griffin Ced, Carrie Wolf, Hauk, Rev. Kathleen Reeves, Herleena Hunt, Bettie Bune, Rev. Michael Brazell, Natasha Kirby, and Macha Nightmare. The schedule will be posted on the Commons of Modern Pagans and Spiritual Seekers website at https://www.pagancommons.org/.
Tickets for this one day virtual event are $16, and can be purchased at Stripe https://buy.stripe.com/7sIcNLcqcfuPbhScMM or through Venmo at COMPASS @Compass1313
The Virtual Symposium of Pagan Thought and Practice focuses on where ideas, beliefs, and practice meet. This annual virtual gathering holds space for the sharing of academic and philosophical ideas, spiritual and religious practices, and how they align and give life to Contemporary Pagan beliefs, ideas, and communities. The symposium's target audience includes both academics and practitioners from all pagan paths. For the purposes of The Virtual Symposium of Pagan Thought and Practice, Contemporary Paganisms encompass the widest range of spiritual and religious expressions, including but not limited, to Animists to Atheopagans, Druids to Wiccans, Witches to Heathens to Reconstructionists Pagans and indigenous spiritual practitioners to Contemporary Shamans.

Pagan Teachers Commons
Teachers of Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganisms, and other magical practices either teach how they were taught, or develop their own lessons. With few exceptions, they often do so in isolation.
The Commons of Modern Pagans and Spiritual Seekers (COMPASS) is looking to create a space where Pagan teachers can meet regularly, share expertise and resources, and work collaboratively to improve teaching and understanding for all their students. The aim of the Pagan Teachers Commons (PTC) is not to dictate content--what we teach--but to inform our practice of teaching methodologies, so that we may be better facilitators of our educational settings. The PTC is modeled after the idea of a Professional Learning Community, which relies on reflective dialogue, a focus on student learning, interactions among teacher colleagues, collaboration, and shared values and norms.
The members of the PTC will collectively decide on governance, frequency of meetings, and topics discussed. Language for the section with the Survey: The responses gathered from this survey will help us to better meet the needs of this project and assist us in identifying teachers who would be interested in participating. Please feel free to distribute the link to this survey to any Pagan teachers.link: https://forms.gle/7sPFT3HMixdnavqv8

Untitled Event
The Commons of Modern Pagans and Spiritual Seekers will be at Los Angeles Pagan Pride on November 7, 2021, at the Golden Grove, El Dorado Park in Long Beach from 9 am to 4 pm. Covid-19 permitting, COMPASS will host a booth featuring Pagan artwork, poetry readings, and a spot of shade to rest in and chat with the community. We will also be presenting the main ritual.
If you are interested in showing your art or participating in the poetry readings, please don't hesitate to contact us at compasspagansandseekers@gmail.com.

Memento Mori: Requiem for the Beloved Dead
Join The Commons of Modern Pagans and Spiritual Seekers for an event honoring our beloved dead on October 23, 2021 at 12:00 PST. Participate by submitting a five-minute video eulogy memorializing one of your beloved dead.
Making a short video is as easy as recording it on your iPhone, or as complex as producing a short video with images and music. Please make sure to introduce yourself, and give details and live events of the beloved dead you are remembering for this event.
To submit a remembrance video, or for more information, please email compass.memento.mori@gmail.com.
What is remembered, lives.

Finding Your Pagan Path
This event aims to bring Pagan teachers and seekers together. In addition to providing time to network between teachers and seekers, there will be breakout sessions specifically targeting Pagan instructors, those seeking teaching, and folks on solitary paths. Breakout sessions include The Seekers Guide to Pagan Teachers, How to Up You Pagan Teaching Game, and Discerning Reliable Resources.
Finding Your Pagan Path will take place on Zoom. Tickets for this event are $7.00, available on PayPal https://paypal.me/COMPASS13?locale.x=en_US.

Ventura County Spiritual Commons
The Ventura County Spiritual Commons has been meeting Thursdays on Zoom since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. We've have watched and discussed interviews with prominent Witches and Pagans in our communities, including Ivo Dominguez, Selena Fox, Amy Hale, Aidan Kelly, Denny Sargant, and Byron Ballard, as well as discussing various topics of interest. If you are interested in joining in the conversation, please join us on Zoom on Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 at the Ventura County Spiritual Commons.

Meet and Greet With COMPASS
Come meet the board members of COMPASS. Find out what this non-profit is all about, and what events we have planned for the upcoming months. Share your own ideas and learn how you can get involved. Let’s connect, reconnect, and begin sustaining and building community. The meeting can be joined on Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81016230819?pwd=d01vVE5MbXQ3ZTRBbitHL0thV3pnUT09.
Virtual Symposium of Pagan Thought and Practice
We have survived...how has that made us stronger? The lockdown, which deprived us of gathering face-to-face, provided the Pagan community a chance to turn inward, grow, and learn. We reinvented teaching methods, modified the way we gathered for ritual, and found ways to celebrate apart from one another. In the darkness of the pandemic we germinated new ideas, thoughts, and practices. As we break through the topsoil and emerge back into the world, what new ways of thinking about and practicing our spirituality and religion do we bring with us? How do we re-establish past practices? What has the addition of technology brought to our lives? What have we learned and experienced during this long winter, and how do we share this with others? Please join The Symposium of Pagan Thought & Practice for a day of presentations and workshops aimed at strengthening our Contemporary Pagan Communities.
Tickets available at https://www.airmeet.com/.../688437f0-d569-11eb-a99f...